Retirement Plan Consulting & Fiduciary Services
Do you know what’s under the hood of your plan?
Let Us Show You.
Plan Cost Benchmarking
Do you understand all of the fees associated with your organization’s retirement plan benefit program?Fiduciary Risk Mitigation
Do you have the time or knowledge it takes to properly administer a retirement plan as a plan sponsor?Investment Performance
Do you have an independent, objective measure of your 401(k) plan’s investment performance?Are you taking on unnecessary risk in the administration of your company’s retirement plan?
Everington Retirement Plan
SAFE Review
Section 408(b)(2)of ERISA requires plan sponsors to periodically review their plans to ensure that their 401(k) fees are “necessary” and “reasonable.”
Everington’s SAFE Review will help to keep you and your business out of trouble.
Most plan sponsors don’t realize, or even forget, they are held personally liable for the administration of their company’s 401(k) or 403(b) plan.
Since the US Supreme Court decision in Tibble vs. Edison, each year brings a slew of new lawsuits against employers for failing to meet their “distinct duty to monitor” the company’s retirement plan.
Everington’s SAFE Review is three-reports-in-one.
1) Your plan’s administrative and investment expenses benchmarked against other plans similar in size.
2) Your plan’s overall investment performance, analyzed by individual investment options over a period of several years.
3) Your plan’s fiduciary risk analysis and score, identifying strengths and weakness relative to your plan’s investment options and plan expenses.